Monday, May 7, 2012


Finally after literally months of waiting and not telling anyone, the day has come!  My quilt is in the latest  McCall's Quilting America Makes Fast Quilts Spring 2012  

I am sooo excited!   (Disclaimer:  There may be excessive amounts of exclamation points used in this post)

Here is the cover.
See that blue and red quilt all rolled up right under the 'Q' in 'Quilts', that is MY QUILT!
They named it 'Stripe Delight'.   How perfect!  

This is the way they displayed it in the magazine.   I don't have a copy yet, but you can bet I will be buying one as soon as I can!
To read all about it online, click here!

I used 'Delighted' fabric by The Quilted Fish of Riley Blake Fabrics

This quilt was created because I just started playing with blocks one day and ended up making a neat pattern with them.   I had never used stripes much and enjoyed seeing them divide up the blocks.   Apparently McCall's Quilting magazine thought so too, as they decided to use my quilt... and the rest they say is history!  


Jen said...

Very cool! But I have a question! How did this come to be? Did you submit a sample or pattern to them, or did they approach you? said...

Congratulations!!! WOohoo~ : ) Excessive exclamation marks are fine by me!! : )

~Monika in Saskatoon

Lynn said...

What fun! Congrats!

Myra said...

What a girl!!!!! I knew her when.....

Westend Quilter said...

Congratulations! I hope thousands make your quilt! I'm going to look for the magazine.

Gene Black said...

congrats.. I tend to be a bit excessive with exclamation points too! Especially as excited as you must be about this.

Brooke said...

Wow, wow, wow!!! Can I touch you?? You are amazing - enjoy the ride!!

Gill said...

Congratulations! I'll look for this magazine here in the UK!!

Cheryl said...

JACKIE!!! OMG!!! Congrats!! You deserve it! Now I can say "I knew you when..."

Susan J Barker said...

How exciting! What a wonderful treat for you! By the way, Whenever I got things published, many in my family just said so what? does your family get excited for you or do they try not to notice. My mother used to say, I was just looking for attention...

sandra said...

Wow Jackie you are getting famous, I will have to see if I can find the magazine in Stratford. The quilt looks like fun so I am anxious to see it. Yo Go Baby!!!!! Blessings Sandra

Rolanda said...

OMG---- Amazing!! I'm doing a little happy dance for you. A famous quilt designer. What is next on your list of to dos?

Mama Pea said...

Jackie, that's awesome!!! Can't believe you didn't tell me! I knew it was Delighted from that tiny bit I saw in the corner! Way to go!

Linda H said...

Congrats!! HOW very exciting!!!

Snoodles said...

OH!!! My goodness!!!!! Heehee!
Congratulations, my dear friend!!!! (See, I'm doing it, too!) Oh, wow, how exciting....gotta get me one of those and take it with me to tell peeps that "I know her!" LOL
I'm so happy for you. That's wonderful!

Hawberry Historian said...

Soooooooo excited for you!!!! Incredibly excited for you!!!! Yeah yeah yeah!!!!!!!!