
Sunday, May 15, 2016

Prepping for Quilt Canada!

May and June are my crazy months!  Have been for the past four years. This is when I get ready for Quilt Canada and have the honour of representing the Canadian Quilters' Association at the conference.

This year someone thought it would be fun to see if people would like to tour our National Juried Show with me while I gave a short lecture as we went around and looked at the award winning quilts.  Despite my huge fear that no one would sign up, they did. So much so, that I sold out! And they added two more tours, and those sold out!

Needless to say, I will spend alot of time in the National Juried Show floor.. which is fine by me, it is my most favourite place to be at Quilt Canada, well that and the Merchant Mall!

I also thought it would be fun to have a really crazy booth for CQA/ACC.  You know, not one where you just hang quilts in.  Something that people would remember.   That may or may not be a good thing.  Regardless, I got put in charge of booth decorating.
To date I have pool noodles in use and 1,000 circles cut of various shapes and sizes.   Yes, there is an excellent chance I won't get put back in charge of booth decorating next year=)

Besides that I have discovered how to make tassels and have got it down to 90 seconds per tassel.

Uh huh, slight addiction happening.  And yes, they are showing up on my quilts in the very very near future=)


  1. Congratulations! Can't wait to see your quilts hanging with the the other best Canadian quilts this year!

  2. Fun! I cannot wait to see what you do to the booth! Very intrigued to discover what those pool noodles get used for! That's great that your tours have sold out - I overheard a snippet of one last year, and folks are in for a treat with you!

  3. I'm thinking your booth will feature a lot of polka dots!!! Please post a picture for those of us who cannot make it to the show.
