
Sunday, July 24, 2011

New Fabric and Creating Fabric

As promised, I have a whole whack of new fabric to show you.   First off is the stuff I bought from Ikea.   Up until a month ago, I didn't even know they sold fabric there.   By chance, I had to go to the closest city that has an Ikea store last week.  I might add that it is a mere 6 hour drive each way.   I planned my route so that the first stop would be Ikea, you know in case the family started getting restless, I had my priorities right.

Onto the fabric, there are so many things I love about this fabric.   It is not a quilters cotton, but  a heavy cotton, like a jean type fabric.   I bought it for purses and bags and maybe a secret juried quilt!   I must confess, I also bought it so I could keep the selvage where it says 'made in Sweden'.   Come on, how many of us have something that says that on it?   Not me anyway.

This next picture should really have a lifesaving device on it.   I had started a rather large art quilt using all my hand dyed fabric for the background and alot of Amanda's Sugar and Spice for the 3D embellishing to go on the front.   As I didn't have a complete sketch drawn out, just bits and pieces, I had no plans for borders and binding and more embellishing.   Then panic hit.... I wasn't going to have enough fabric!   Trying to remain calm, I quickly buzzed an email to fellow Design Team member Julie of the Intrepid Thread and begged her if she had any scraps left from her new etsy store.   Might I add, she always has fabric on sale, and the new stuff, not the old odds and ends.   I  personally wonder if she may be just have sniffed one too many bolts of fabric... but the deals are the best!

I am digressing, if you know Julie, she will turn the world upside down to get what you want.   Within an hour, and several emails, she had a bundle all packaged up and in the mail for me.   Not only that, look at the card that you get!  It is hand made and she wrote a lovely note inside.   What you didn't see is that the fabric was all wrapped in white tissue and neatly tied with purple ribbon.   There was no picture, because I was just about to explode when I got the fabric I was so excited.

A few days later, I received a package from Megan as I had  won some fabric over at Quiltstory.  This blog totally rocks.  It is upbeat, fun and oh so full of creativity and imagination.  I am sending back a cute little zippered pouch that I made, but don't tell=)

After all that excitement, I thought I better do some creating on my own.  

I had recently purchased some Setacolor paints.  These are the ones where you are supposed to be able to paint the fabric, lay objects on it and let dry in the sun.   I tried a small piece, didn't want to waste a whole yard of PFD fabric if it didn't work.  I was very skeptical and my only instructions were mix 1 part paint, 2 parts water, brush on, place objects on, and let dry in sun.  Seems a little too easy right?   
Well, keep your pants on, look at what happened!   It turned out exactly as it was supposed to.  I used some large washers I had in my studio and I painted on a textured piece of sidewalk.     I love the outcome.   Better get out the scissors and start cutting my PFD fabric in yards!

A few days ago, I happen to stumble across this site.  By using Sharpie markers and rubbing alcohol, I made this new fabric.

Can you totally see me using this in an art quilt?
I think I am all talked out about fabric, so better sign off.  (Correction:  I am never tired of talking about fabric, but I better get stitching with it=)


  1. Ikea and Julie are equally awesome :)

  2. I have got to go to Ikea! It is 3 hours from us but if you can drive the fabrics. I am going to check out the link the the fabric you made, looks like fun.

  3. Wow Jackie that is totally awesome I gotta try that sharpie thing...

  4. are giving wonderful information! That IKEA fabric looks like zentangles...and since I am mostly Swedish...I want some with the selvage made in Sweden!! AND the setacolor paints sound like fun!! Thanks for sharing!!

  5. Can't wait to see what you do with all this awesome fabric ;0

  6. Pretty neat stuff. Love your experimentation. I have never been to an IKEA. I think it's probably a good thing. I'd probably lose it. I love everything I see from there.

    Hey I have lots of Sugar and Spice left 'cause I didn't use all that much for my project. I might use some for the laminate project, but if you need more, let me know. I can send you some.
