
Sunday, May 29, 2011

National Juried Show in Canada

Imagine my excitement that after 6 years of waiting,  I was finally able to attend my very first National Juried Show.   And to top it off I got to see four of my quilts in the show.

Even better, I was able to meet up with internet friends, old friends and new friends.  Needless to say, I had a total blast.   The competition was incredible.  There are some wonderfully talented quilters here in Canada.
The show was held at my alma mater, the University of Western Ontario.

And here is the sign I have been waiting to see for a very long, long time:

I was able to attend the awards ceremony with my dear friend Elaine Quehl.  Elaine had a gorgeous quilt in the Juried Show and another one in the Invitational Show.  She was also teaching a workshop there as well.   She is a super talented quilter from Ottawa.

CQA was celebrating it's 30th anniversary, so there was a huge cake there.

In a juried show, pictures are not allowed to be taken of the quilts.  But the exhibitors were granted a 30 minute time to enter with their photographer before the show opened.   I took advantage of this, and chose to stand beside 'Bye Gram, I Love You' for my picture.

I went through the vendors market and was in love with all the fabric and thread.   I met so many fantastic people.  It was just great being with quilters who share the same passion I do and can relate to all the things we deal with in quilt competitions.  I met the judges, and soon will get my critiques in the mail.   I learned a ton just seeing the other quilts close up and meeting the other quilters in the show.  
It was a weekend I will never forget.


  1. Jackie- So glad you enjoyed your first CQA conference. Congrats on not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 quilts in the NJS!! Wow!!! That's amazing!

  2. Sounds like a great weekend Jackie!

  3. Thanks for posting this Jackie! My brother just moved to London two days ago -- not soon enough for me to go "visit" and see the show. Congratulations on your quilts! I bet it was a fabulous weekend.

  4. Oh hooray for you!!! You look so stunning and proud as you should be! Congrats on a job well done and also on accomplishing a huge goal!

  5. Was great to see you here, I seemed to be on the run during the conference, perils of raising your hand when they call for volunteers LOL
    I DO hope you enjoyed your time in London and the NJS. I was thrilled to see your pieces in person(it is always wonderful when you can proudly say "I know this artist"!!!)

  6. thanks for sharing this Jackie...I love following what you are doing!!

  7. Jackie! Congrats on your fabulous success at CQA!! I love the pic of you with your quilt!

  8. Congratulations on being in the show...looks like you had a blast! You accomplished your goal, and although my goals are not as lofty, I am inspired to keep trying on mine!
    Jacque in SC

  9. That must have been a wonderful show Jackie - especially with 4 quilts entered! What fun!!
