
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sensational Sweet Divinity Scarf

It is finally here.  I am so nervous and excited.  

For those new followers, I am on a design team for Amanda, an amazing fabric designer.   She sends us her newest lines of fabric and we have to create something out of it.  We then make a tutorial and it is posted on her blog, The Quilted Fish.   Okay, I know, I have the best job in the world!  Don't worry, I pinch myself lots.  I won't even get into how fantastic the girls on the design team are. 

Today is my turn to post the tutorial on Amanda's blog The Quilted Fish.  Please go and check out my fun scarf to  make.   Be sure to let me know what you think.  

Lastly, for all my new and old followers, thank you so much for joining me.  I really am  looking forward to hearing from you!


  1. Congrats on all your successes! I am so excited for you!!! Your blog is fab and your work is amazing. I am in constant awe of all the beautiful things that you create! xx

  2. When I stopped in, you only needed 6 more to make your goal! Yay!! I'm headed over there to see your scarf tutorial!
    Jacque in SC

  3. Cute scarf! I think I might have to make a with the flowers and one with fringe...:)

  4. Oh, man! 6 more people and you'll hit your goal! Go, go, go Jackie! Great scarf!

  5. Oh so very cool project!!! You are amazing! Great job!

  6. Now you only need 5 more people to meet your goal!
    I love your scarf, it looks so springlike even though there is so much snow in the pictures. You must have been freezing when you took them!

  7. Jackie, you did a great job on this! Very creative and clever. Well done. And look at you go on your goal!
