Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Another Giveaway

How could I not post another giveaway in light of my great news (see post below)?

This giveaway has 4 very spring like fat quarters, that all match in lovely bright greens and oranges and a dash of pink.   
As I write this, I am sitting at 124 wonderful followers.   My goal is to reach 150 by March 31st.   This is my 1 year blogiversary.  
There will be one more giveaway after this one... hopefully to celebrate that I achieved my goal.  I am trying to make it enticing for you to try and help me get more followers.   

Here is the lowdown on how to enter the giveaway:
1.  If you are a follower, then leave a comment telling me what you would like to see on this blog, what interests you etc.  

2.  Sign up to follow and you get a chance, just leave a comment telling me so.

3.  If you post about it on your blog, you get 2 more chances to win!  Don't worry, I do check... just leave a comment 2 times saying it was posted.  

I will make a draw for the winner on Tuesday March 22nd.  Good Luck!


Jessica said...

I'm a follower :) love love love those fabrics!

Jessica said...

What would I like to see? I'm just going off of what I enjoy reading in general on quilting blogs - tutorials and seeing your stash. :)

Missy said...

I'm a follower. I enjoy tutorials of any kind, but I'll be a fan of your blog anyway.

Jezibels said...

Im a follower already Jackie! You know what I love to see? Stuff that is made using small scraps that we all have, tickertape pillows and tickertape quilts, skirts, doll quilts etc!

Vicki @ DottyJane said...

You have one more:) Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

You'll get there easy!
Congratulations to US since it is your blogiversary but we get the gifts. Cool!
Thanks for the chance

Anonymous said...

I am a happy follower

jlk said...

Those are such pretty fabrics! I love seeing the creative process of your projects.

Anonymous said...

I have posted your Giveaway here: http://gina-catswhiskers.blogspot.com/2011/03/another-giveaway.html

and here: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001894011767&sk=wall#!/profile.php?id=100001894011767

I hope this will count as 2 entries:-

Mama Pea said...

blogged it.

Mama Pea said...

blogged it (and tweeted!)

Mama Pea said...

I'm a follower! :-)

Sunnybec said...

I have become a follower so helping you to your target. Linda

Sunnybec said...

As a new quilter I like to see tutorials and patterns. Thank you for the chance to win.

West Michigan Quilter said...

I just became a follower. Love those fabrics. Stephanie at Peas In A Pod led me to your blog. Love it!

Hilachas said...

I am now a follower of your blog. There's nothing in particular that I look for in a blog. I enjoy visiting different blogs to see what others have to say. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Jonnie (JB) said...

I just became your 128th follower!

sandra said...

Hi Jackie, I have been a follower for a while, I enjoy seeing what you are doing and tutorials are always interesting. See you in London I hope

Sallie said...

I love to see what other people are working on! Thanks for the chance.

Sallie said...

I'm already a follower.

Sallie said...

posted on my blog at http://salliessampler.blogspot.com/2011/03/jackies-having-another-giveaway.html

Sallie said...

posted on my blog at http://salliessampler.blogspot.com/2011/03/jackies-having-another-giveaway.html

Lee said...

I am a follower! I love to have tutorials! thanks.

Anonymous said...

I love to see the projects you are working on. You give me tons of inspiration!
Jacque in SC

Anonymous said...

I'm one of your happy followers! And I see that the numbers are climbing - I think you'll make your goal!
Jacque in SC

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blog - I don't know if you'll accept this or not, but I have emailed four of my friends and told them to check out your blog!
Jacque in SC

Gill said...

I'm already a follower!
I enjoy a cheerful mix of pictures tutorials recipes etc

Joy said...

I came here via Snoodles's recommendation! I'm now another happy follower! Your work is beautiful, and the story of your grandmother touched my heart. I miss my Nana every single day, and I have a collection of her hankies that I plan to make into a number of little wall hangings for myself and my dear sister (that would be Snoodles!) Your use of the various special fabrics and color representations is just awesome. Thanks for the chance to win some spring flavored fabrics, too!

nono said...

I'm a new follower and the fabric is just lovely!

Martina said...

I am a follower! I love to read everything quilt related and especially love to see finished projects as i think there is so much inspiration!Thank you so much!

Deb said...

I just became a new follower and would love to win some spring fabric. It's beautiful; thanks for the chance.

Quiltin' Sandy said...

Hi Jackie, I am already a follower. Just seeing pictures of your beautiful work on your blog is great, but tutorials are always welcome! :)
Love the giveaway fabrics, they're yummy!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I'm a follower and like easy free patterns for scraps.

monika@mysweetprairie.ca said...

count me in! Don't you know my favorite colors are green & orange! ; )... and congrats by the way!! What a lot of celebrating!

fibre artist in Saskatoon

free indeed said...

I am a new follower.

free indeed said...

Since I am new, I'm not really familiar with what you have done in the past. I like to see projects made with links to free patterns esp smaller projects that make great gifts like runners, purses. An occassional great recipe and gadget reviews.
freeindeed at myfairpoint dot net

the dutch purple rabbit said...

i'm a new follower and happy to find you

Nanbon44 said...

I am a new follower, and love any information, tips and techniques. I make mostly quilts and would love to make purses

Nanbon44 said...

I am a new follower

sbsudbury said...

Hi Jackie....would love to win this giveaway....thanks for your generous offer.

Tutorials, tutorials, tutorials are what I enjoy.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

I am a new follower to your wonderful blog. Your work is very inspirational. Congratulations on being accepted into the quilt show FOUR times!!

Lynn said...

I'm a follower. I read blogs mainly to see what other people are up to. I don't have an particular requests, I just like to see what you are working on.

Dana Gaffney said...

I'm a follower. I like tutorials of any kind and I just like to see what you're up to. Thanks, love the colors.

Bec Clarke said...

Oh I follow and i love seeing your projects and what you are working on, so always more of that.

Deborah in Atlanta said...

I'm a new follower. Lovely fabrics. Thanks for the opportunity to participate in your giveaway. dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

quiltma said...

I am a follower.

Jocelyn said...

I am already a follower. I enjoy any kind of tutorials.

quiltma said...

I would love to see scraps, scraps and more scraps.

scarlett said...

I'm a follower: I'd love to read more about what inspired you to do certain pieces (like the story about "Bye Gram, I love you")

scarlett said...

I posted about your giveaway and your goal to reach 150 followers. Good luck!

Anne said...

Congratulations, Jackie! You have already been honored by having your creative works of art accepted. I was awed by each inspiring piece. "Bye Gram, I Love You" touched my heart. Wish I could view your work in person. Because I can't, please share more of your wonderful work and include insight and instructive posts about your imaginative techniques for choosing color, creating texture, and building dimension.

robin said...

I'd like to see... hmm.. tutorials, pictures, more of the same! Thanks for a nice giveaway! :)

robin said...

I'm a follower.

robin said...

I blogged about your great giveaway at: http://quiltyascharged.blogspot.com/2011/03/giveaway-at-jackies-art-quilts_15.html

robin said...

2nd Entry for blogging: http://quiltyascharged.blogspot.com/2011/03/giveaway-at-jackies-art-quilts_15.html

Marcia W. said...

I already follow Jackie's Art Quilts blog. I'm a quilter and enjoy tutorials, giveaways, and reading about the projects you work on and quilty ideas.

Susan said...

Hi! I just became a follower. I love your site and the giveaway fat quarters are beautiful. Congratulations on your news!

Janet said...

I'm a follower...I love your giveaway fabrics. I'd just like to see more of your work. It's inspiring.

QuilterLaura said...

Just signed up to be a follower. Lovely fabrics!

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

I included your giveaway in my blog today:

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

I included your giveaway in my blog today:

Michele T said...

Love the spring fabric you have chosen!! I am a follower. Thanks for the chance.

Michele T said...

I would love to see your studio and your stash! Thanks for the chance to win some spring themed fabric!

Peach Rainbow said...

I am a follower :D
I'd like to see more tutorials with step by step photos.
Thanks for the chance!

Peach Rainbow said...

Posted in my side bar 1

Peach Rainbow said...

Posted in my side bar 2

Kathleen C said...

I'm a follower-I'm sure you'll reach your goal for followers. Thanks very much fro the chance to win those bright cheerful fabrics.

Hilachas said...

I have blogged about your giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity to win. http://muchashilachas.blogspot.com

Coloradolady said...

I am a follower!

Coloradolady said...

I love tutorials of all kinds, such great inspiration to try new things.

Joan and Kevin said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I am a follower. I love seeing quilts.

Cathy said...

I just signed up to be a follower. Hugs

Cathy said...

thanks for the giveaway. I like to see everyones quilts. And am interested in quilt-a-longs

FlourishingPalms said...

Thanks for this lovely giveaway. I've just become a follower.

Westend Quilter said...

I am a follower (my apostophe will not work!) and I love to see close ups of machine quilting stitches.

Charlotte said...

Just followed - what gorgeous fabric! Love your blog!

Charlotte said...

Love the fabrics in that picture, have just followed you!

And this would be . . . . said...

I am a new follower.

Helle said...

I am a follower. I enjoy a mix of anything and love seeing photos. Thanks for the chance!

Rochelle said...

I am a new follower.
Thanks for the opportunity to win.


Carla G said...

I'm a follower... I like to see completed quilts, tutorials, and ideas for using scraps. Thanks for a chance to win! :)

Sunny said...

I'M a new follower. I found your blog on the website: http://jonaetlili.blogspot.com/
Your blog looks beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

I'm following now! I can't wait to see your projects!

Anonymous said...

What do I like to see on blogs? I love pictures...pictures are great and I love tutorials...I've never made one, but I've used a few...I also just like to see anything you've been working on...it makes me feel more motivated! =) Thanks for a lovely giveaway!

Jan said...

I'm your newest follower, thanks for the chance to win these great fabrics.

Jan said...

I blogged about the give away here: http://www.jansquilts.com/2011/03/give-away.html

Jan said...

I blogged about the give away here: http://www.jansquilts.com/2011/03/give-away.html

Charlotte said...

Hi - I'm a new follower ... you can thank http://jonaetlili.blogspot.com/

Happy 1 year Anniversary

Unknown said...

I'm a follower. I love seeing tutorials and quilt ideas, it helps to keep ideas going through my head. :)

Unknown said...

I blogged about your giveaway!

Unknown said...

I blogged about your giveaway!

MoeWest said...

I'm a new follower. Thanks for the giveaway. I'm collecting greens right now for my granddaughter's quilt.

Terri. said...

I am a follower

Terri. said...

I would love to see larger quilts (queen size)

Glogirl said...

I'm a new follower! Love the fabric and how it coordinates so well together.

Nancy Sue said...

I'm a follower. Thank you again, for a great giveaway. Those fabrics put me in the mood for some orange sherbet, now if I can just out run the ice cream truck here in the neighborhood :)

Nancy Sue said...

I'm a newbie quilter, so I love to hear/read blog posts about quilting goofs. I'm in the "goofing" stage, and I love to learn from other quilters' mishaps, kunundrums and quagmires. I also love quilting tips. I guess I'm almost addicted to them. Thank you for blogging and sharing your knowledge! :)

John Briner said...

I'm interested to see more of your quilts because of my wife. She really love them. I'm also looking for quilt tutorials and patterns. Thanks for sharing!