
Monday, November 8, 2010

Binding and Goals

No pictures with this post.  But I will have some fabulous pictures shortly.   I am putting the binding on my quilt.   I haven't even turned it over to look at the right side to see how it all looks.   The flowers will go on after I attach the sleeves to it.   They are 3D, of course=)  Therefore are put on last.  

Might I just say that I love it!   All will be revealed soon.

You may notice that I put my 2011 goals up in the right hand column at the top.   I thought it would be fun to share them.   For my out of country quilting friends, I will explain.  CQA is our Canadian Quilting Association.  Each year they put on a juried show and each year I submit.   I have had my quilts accepted twice.  But I have never attended a show, so have never seen my quilts hang in a juried exhibition.  

This year, it is in my province and I am determined to go.  One, to meet all the people I have met online.   Two, because I so want to see one of my quilts hanging in the show.   Now I realize that I may be going down and no quilts will have been accepted.   But I will cross that bridge when the time comes.  

The Trend Tex Challenge I mentioned is CQA's fundraiser.   You purchase 5 fat quarters and have to follow a theme and size and make a quilt based on that.   The quilt is then donated to be auctioned off at the CQA convention.   So even if none of my quilts get juried into the show, I can donate this quilt and see it hanging at Quilt London.  

Lastly, my comment about 'keep trying'... that will be told when the time is right.  

I will leave you with my quote for 2011:

Anais Nin “ And the day came when it become more painful to remain tightly closed in a bud then the risk it took to bloom."


  1. Jackie-
    I'm excited for you and can't wait to see it! I love your 2011 quote... It's perfect!

  2. Love your quote too! It gets harder as you age to leave the safe confines of your experience. Best to start young to explore your newest talents. Good luck at CQA. Linda
