
Thursday, May 27, 2010


Perseverance has certainly made me express every range of emotion possible. It was 3 years in the making. Saw me through 2 babies, 2 deaths, and a few rejection letters.

The quilt is currently hanging in a quilting store, where the fabulous lady who quilted it works. She recently sent me this email:

Out of the at 100 quilters that have seen your quilt........they all think you should have gotten into the show. Still don't understand the comments that were given and I got no reply really that could answer our questions. I'm glad you liked your quilt because I sure did. Bravo again.


  1. ?????????? Were you given a reason for the rejection (ouch that is a painful word)
    I think that in some cases those who do the jurying process are not likely those doing the judging. It is not always apparent why one quilt is accepted while another is not.
    I has heard that for Threadworks 2010, they had 230 entries but only accepted you are certainly not alone
    I hope this does not cause you to be discouraged to the point of not continuing to enter.
    It is not always easy to just "put it out there"

  2. J

    I absolutely love this quilt and think that the jury people totally suck - you have talent galore! :)

