Sunday, February 14, 2010

Table Topper #1

I spent yesterday evening finishing my 3 table toppers to be sent out to the CQA convention this spring. This was a guild challenge as well. So they will be judged. Not that getting my work judged is my favourite thing at the moment, but if you fall, you are supposed to get back on. And of every failure, there is a learning opportunity.

This table topper, I coloured and did some fine threadwork, choosing a different quilt stitch for every block.


Susan J Barker said...

wonderful whimsy - is the sashings quilted too?

Unknown said...

Wow! You never cease to impress! I'm just in awe of all your work!! Beautiful!

Carole said...

Hey... Jackie.... these are great!! Wish I was going to Calgary, but I am not.
I left the link on my blog for the 169 buttons..

Where are you? Write me....