Instead I took off for the weekend and sewed up 2 skirts. They even had zippers... and I am so not a zipper fan, but I wanted something that looked a bit more dressy than an elastic waist band.
My reasoning is that I am travelling a fair bit this spring and fall and would like to have some splashy new outfits. There is nothing splashier than quilt fabric. I had a couple pieces that I adored too much to to cut up for a quilt.
The other piece I don't have a name for as it was a Christmas gift, but it was so loud and fun that I knew I wanted to wear it, not have it hanging on a wall.
Now I know that I have to match a top up with each of them. I had an idea to help with that. As you know I have a small obsession with 3D embellishing, so I made an embellishment that I can pin on my top to really tie into my skirt. See, quilt embellishments can really be used anywhere!
Here is where you come in. I have the embellishment made, (and you have to rave that you love this fabric and NOT that it is too loud for a skirt=). I want to put a vintage piece of jewelry in the middle, which one do you like the best?
#1 Purple
#2 Gold and Pearl
#3 Blue
Let me know what centre I should pick for my little flower.
The gold and pearl is very classy - almost classic.
I like the gold and pearl best. Second place would be the purple. It might depend on what you want to be able to wear as a top. I think the gold and pearl would be a little more neutral (in terms of going with more). Not that I am any sort of a fashion expert.
I like the purple. The gold and pearl is nice, but you're not an old lady. Yet.
My preference would be for #2, the gold and pearl.
Well, I don't think it's about being an old lady, which I am. But the purple fades away and the light blue sort of glares. The gold and pearl complements the fabric nicely. Fun embellishment--you're right, great fabric!
best, nadia
They all work but my vote is for the pearl!
Number two is a winner with me....and you know I must like it a lot to be leaving you a comment when I'm sick! Haha! Love the skirt us when you're done!
The pearl is classic, where the purple looks funky....
I am in complete agreement with Rolanda.
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