Monday, March 11, 2013

A Promise To My Kids

I have been promising my kids that I would put one of their quilts on my blog.  They each made one for their leprechauns during this leprechaun season as they try and catch one.   My youngest has caught one twice but the leprechaun has escaped by morning!

Here is my 9 year old son's quilt for his leprechaun.

This is the quilt my 7 year old made for his leprechaun.
If you feel so inclined, please leave a comment for them.   


Candice @ Made With Love said...

I love everything about this post!!! I hope your boys catch a leprechaun or two!!! :)

sew.darn.quilt said...

Your boys did a fantastic job with their leprechaun catchers.
Bravo boys! You R-O-C-K!!!

Rachel said...

Great job boys! Love your quilts! I think they will work!

Kitchener Quilter said...

Those quilts both look great. You two boys did a good job making them. I'm sure you'll be catching leprechauns with them soon.

jlk said...

Those boys are awesome. Quick question -- how do you know one got away? Do they leave tracks?

Linda H said...

Great job guys! Happy leprechaun hunting!!!

CraftyViolet said...

It's only a matter of time before a leprechaun is caught and stays caught! Who could resist hiding in such lovely quilts - well done!

Michele T said...

I heard that this year the leprechauns will be out in record numbers... and I think the gold in the quilted catchers will fool them for sure!! Thanks for sharing ;-)

Studio V said...

Great quilts!! Hope you catch those leprechauns!!

Manitoulin Threads said...

These quilts will definitely lure on the leprechauns boys....I just hope they don't steal the quilts away to use on their tiny leprechaun beds.

sandra said...

What wonderful quilts those boys have made and I hope that you both catch a leprechauns with them.

Jodi said...

very clever and creative! Keep trying to catch those happy leprechauns!

Janet said...

What is the secret to catching leprechauns? Are they attracted to certain colours or textures in the fabric? Do they like batting in their quilts? I would love some hints. Wonderful leprechaun catching quilts you have made boys!

Unknown said...

The top one evokes Irish tradition and culture in such a way that the Irish in me is drawn to it. The bottom one is so sparkly and flashy that I'm certain it shall draw a leprechaun in close enough to be caught. I want to wish you luck, but I am a (founding) member of the FFLEO: Freedom For Leprechauns Everywhere Organization.

corina said...

No leprechaun will be able to resist such splendid quilts! The sparkle will really catch their eyes!

Renate said...

My oh my! I don't know why any leprechaun would want to escape from such stupendous quilts! Wonderful job on those quilts!

Marla's Crafts said...

I hope the leprechaun has the pot of gold with them. Nice job boys.

Susan J Barker said...

I never heard of making a quilt for a leprechaun! But seems like any idea that entices one to be caught and to stay is a good idea. Any leprechaun would love that little quilt... PS maybe a rock tied to the corner will make it harder for the leprechaun to drag it away??

Gill said...

Well done guys! You've done a great job - any leprechaun would be thrilled with these quilts!

Mama Pea said...

Those are awesome! How big are they (the quilts)? Are the leprechaun sized? I think it's so cool that your kids trap leprechauns. I think the leprechauns would just love these!