Friday, February 1, 2013

Happy, Happy Dance!

Yep, super awesome news here today=)  You have heard of the best magazine for art quilting in all of North America?  'Quilting Arts' is the one I am referring to.  And each time they put out a new magazine, they have a 'Reader's Challenge' in it.  

The last one was 'Map It Out'.  I had showed my entry previously on my blog.

On a specific day, which was today, you go on their blog to see the finalists.   This is what I saw today.  (you are to look at the very last line):

We are pleased to announce the finalists of our recent Reader Challenge, "Map It Out."  We had almost 100 participants in this challenge and they led us north and south, inside and out.  Even to the moon!  It was very hard to choose but here's the list of finalists:
Judith Ahlborn (Crazy Map!)
Terry Aske (Where I Live)
Evans Fletcher (Direction Through Chaos)
Jane Frenke (untitled)
Karen Hansen (Kayak Karma)
Sheila McAvoy (untitled)
Jane Rommel (Wrinkles Map Out My Life)
Sandra Schlagel (Kitchen Garden)
Nancy Smeltzer (A Sky Map of Somewhere Over the Midwest)
Jennifer Scantlebury Vienneau (By The Seat of Our Pants)
Jackie White (untitled)

So at this point I stopped breathing and read the whole thing over again.....twice.  And then the biggest grin spread across my face and I just started emailing my quilting besties all over the place!

Yesterday I had been lamenting to a good friend about the number of rejection letters I have piled up in a desk drawer designated just for them.   

Today, it was all worth it!


sbsudbury said...

Congratulations Jackie.....can't wait to see the time I will have to ask you for an autograph!!

Mama Pea said...

I am so happy for you. Persistence pays off. Way to hang in there. You did it!!!!

Gill said...

Congratulations Jackie!!

Nina Marie said...

congrats! congrats!!! I read the challenge in the magazine and immediately thought of your block so its well deserved!

Kate said...


Rolanda said...

Oh, congratulations!!! That just what I needed, another great excuse to buy the magazine. Seriously, it is a wonderful, imaginative piece.

Rolanda said...

Oh, congratulations!!! That just what I needed, another great excuse to buy the magazine. Seriously, it is a wonderful, imaginative piece.

Gene Black said...

Yippee! Doing a happy dance for you.

jlk said...

I'm dancing, too! It's a good look for me ;) Love your block -- you deserve it!!

CraftyViolet said...

Congratulations. That is awesome and yes, I love that magazine too.

Fields of South said...

Congratulations Jackie - what an awesome entry!

sandra said...

Once again Jackie Congratulations I am really happy for you. Never give up your work is always wonderful. Blessings Sandra

Susan J Barker said...

Congrats Jackie, way to go!

Quilt Rat said...

:-) bet you wish you had given it a title. Congratulations!!!!!!!