The giveaway winner is:

I have to admit, and I'm still sometimes embarrassed by this, that my favourite colour is pink. It used to red... does that mean I've faded???
I received a lovely email from the Editor-in-Chief of American Quilter magazine yesterday:
Hi Jackie,
Thank you for sharing your quilt story. I just posted it on the American Quilter magazine blog at Your grandmother must have been a very special lady indeed!
I was so excited when I read this and went right to the website. My quilt 'Bye Gram, I Love You' had just returned home earlier this week and was finally hanging back in it's rightful place. It had been travelling to 3 juried shows since May. So when I got this email, I just looked at my quilt and smiled with a tear in my eye. My Gram would have been so shocked to think that all this could have happened. Honestly, when I sat sitting on my grandmother's stool sewing on all those hundreds of buttons, I never imagined that this quilt would generate so much interest. I am truly speechless.
As you know, this week, our team launched Amanda's new fabric line Delighted. I did a talk at my guild and had almost 50 in attendance. We made the little pin cushions.
Here are a couple of them working away at them.
One of the ladies, Judy, came and showed me her block she is doing for the Tinners club at our guild. I was so astounded with it, that she let me take a pic of it. I believe she said there were over 150 3/4" strips in it. That is 1/4" finished strip, in case you were wondering how big each of those little pieces were.
Isn't it just the cutest block?
Stay tuned next week, I am doing a fun review and a giveaway.